Monday, July 10, 2023

 Dear Church Family,

Today, I want to reflect upon the beautiful concept of grace and its significance in our lives as believers. Grace is a fundamental aspect of our faith, and it is through grace that we have received salvation and the unmerited favor of our Lord.

Grace, in its essence, is the undeserved and unearned love and mercy that God extends to us. It is a gift freely given, not because of our works or righteousness, but solely out of God's boundless love for His creation. The apostle Paul aptly described it in Ephesians 2:8-9, saying, "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."

Understanding the depth and magnitude of God's grace is vital for our spiritual growth. It is through grace that we are reconciled to God, forgiven of our sins, and granted eternal life. We are not saved by our own efforts or good deeds but solely by God's grace, demonstrated through the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

However, grace is not merely a one-time event that happens at the moment of our salvation. It is a continuous and transformative force in our lives as believers. It empowers us to live a life pleasing to God and encourages us to extend grace to others. As Jesus taught in Matthew 6:14, "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."

In our daily lives, we may stumble and fall, making mistakes and falling short of God's perfect standards. But His grace is always available to lift us up, cleanse us, and restore our relationship with Him. It is not a license to sin but an invitation to grow in righteousness and become more Christlike.

Let us also remember that grace is not a concept limited to our individual lives but should permeate our community as a church. As a body of believers, we must create an environment where people feel welcomed, accepted, and loved, regardless of their past or present circumstances. We are called to be a place of refuge and healing, where God's grace flows freely through our words, actions, and relationships.

In conclusion, let us rejoice in the incredible gift of grace bestowed upon us by our Heavenly Father. May we never take it for granted but continually seek to deepen our understanding of His grace and its transformative power. And as we experience the fullness of God's grace, may it overflow from our lives and impact the world around us, drawing others closer to the One who is the source of all grace.

With love and blessings,

Bill Doane

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