Tuesday, May 28, 2024

 Dear Church Family

I am reminded of the profound truth that we serve The God Who Sees. In a world filled with uncertainty, pain, and struggles, it brings immense comfort to know that we are not alone. Our God is not distant or indifferent to our plight; rather, He sees us intimately and cares deeply for each one of us.

The concept of The God Who Sees is not merely a theological notion but a living reality that permeates every aspect of our lives. From the depths of our struggles to the heights of our joys, God's gaze is upon us, never wavering, never failing. He sees our tears in times of sorrow, our fears in moments of uncertainty, and our joys in moments of celebration.

In Genesis 16, Hagar, a marginalized and oppressed woman, encounters God in a profound way and gives Him the name "El Roi," meaning The God Who Sees. In her desperation, feeling abandoned and alone, God sees her, hears her cries, and ministers to her needs. This encounter reveals God's character as one who is attentive, compassionate, and intimately involved in the lives of His people.

As a church, let us take comfort in the truth that we serve a God who not only sees us but also acts on our behalf. He is our refuge in times of trouble, our strength in moments of weakness, and our hope in the midst of despair. Let us trust in His unfailing love and sovereignty, knowing that He is working all things together for our good.

Furthermore, as recipients of God's grace and compassion, let us embody The God Who Sees to the world around us. Let us open our eyes to the needs of the marginalized, the oppressed, and the hurting in our communities. May we extend God's love and compassion to those who feel unseen and unheard, demonstrating His heart for justice, mercy, and reconciliation.

In conclusion, let us take solace in the assurance that we serve The God Who Sees. May this truth inspire us to live lives of faith, hope, and love, knowing that our God is with us, sees us, and will never leave us nor forsake us.

With love and blessings,

Bill Doane

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  Dear Church Family, I hope this letter finds you well and filled with the peace of the Lord. As we approach the special time of year when ...